
Asco Canada is located in Delta, British Columbia and employs 140 people in a 115,000 square foot facility with modern, state-of-the-art machine tools, including one of the largest 5-axis gantry profilers in Canada (190 ft. long bed) and two large CMMs capable of measuring parts up to 6 meters in length.

This facility specializes in high-speed machining of very large, complex aerostructure parts made from aluminum, steel, or titanium.

Lean thinking and efficiency are the trademarks of this plant. The production activities are conceived and built in 2 major flows (aluminum and hard metals) each servicing their own, dedicated customer bases.

Lean principles are imbedded in every aspect of the organization and can be witnessed across the shop floor. This plant thrives based on continuous improvement and strives to attain and sustain the highest levels of customer satisfaction.



Vertical Integration Solution

  • Material procurement, treatments (with internal & external partners) and assembly
  • Focus on Military production


  • 5-axis machines to produce precision parts of up to 12m length

Design & Engineering

The local manufacturing engineering  team develops productive manufacturing processes incl. fixture design & NC programs (CATIA V5)